Friday, October 10, 2008

Spaghetti Cupholder

So, my 13-month-old baby girl is starting to feed herself. This has actually been going on for several weeks, but she's finding more and more foods she's determined to be the only one to get in her mouth.

As I type this, Allie is feeding herself spaghetti and crowder peas. Peas, carrots, fruit and other things that look like or are typically considered "finger foods" have been Allie's territory for a while. Now, she's branching out and claiming all rights to spaghetti-feeding as well.

She, of course, does best with her hands; but she gives using a spoon or fork a very good try--and, occasionally, succeeds! She hates getting help and makes that very clear.

A few moments ago I had one of those experiences as a parent where your child is being disobedient or doing something wrong, but it's so darn funny you have a very hard time not laughing or at least smiling. Allie finished a big swallow of milk and proceeded to, very gently and purposefully, set the cup down in the middle of her spaghetti, as if that's exactly where it belonged.

I admit, I laughed. But, I turned my face very quickly, regained composure before turning back and sternly told her (while moving the now spaghetti-covered sippie cup) that her cup belongs in the cupholder, not her spaghetti.

I'm not the most patient person in the world (as my husband will readily attest to), so this is yet another difficult phase for me. I know before long I'll look back and say, "I can't believe I used to have to feed her at all!" Every little phase where she's learning something seems so difficult and never-ending at the time, but it really passes quickly. I just have to keep reminding myself of that!

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