Saturday, March 14, 2009

Red Envelope Day

With all the downfalls of technology and the Internet, great networking opportunities exist thanks to social networking sites such as Facebook. I found one of those yesterday--Red Envelope Day. Here's how the Facebook page explains this event:

Get a red envelope.

You can buy them at an office, craft or or most party supply stores. Even make one from red construction paper.

On the front, address it to:

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington , D.C. 20500

On the back, of the sealed envelope or postcard write the following message:

This envelope represents one child who died because of an abortion.
It is empty because the life that was taken is now unable to be a part
of our world.

When: Mail the red envelopes out on March 31st, 2009.

Be sure to include your return address on the envelope. (Handwritten mail seems to hold more weight in the political realm, so resist the urge to use your printer on this one.) Be sure to pray over your envelope before you mail it.

It may seem that those who believe abortion is wrong are in a minority. It may seem like we have no voice and it's shameful to even bring it up. Let us show our President and the world that the voices of those of us who do not believe abortion is acceptable are not
silent and must be heard.

Send this event notice to every one of your friends who you think would send one too. It would be wonderful if the White House received 50 million red envelopes, one for every child who died [in the U.S.] before having a chance to live.

Together we can change the heart of The President and save the lives of millions of children.

Check out this blog for more ideas of how to make the most of this great opportunity.

My cynical side thinks, "These will just go in the garbage. If he even looks at them, he'll just ignore it." But, I believe that God can change anyone's heart--even the heart of a man who, in less than two months as President of the United States, has made it perfectly clear he doesn't care about all human lives. Please join me in sending a red envelope to President Obama on March 31. Go the extra mile and purchase the envelopes in bulk and give them to members of your church and social organizations as well as your friends and family.

As bad as things are in our country right now, we still have the freedom to express our opinions and stand up for what we believe is right. Please take advantage of this beautiful freedom that's been bought and protected with a lot of blood; we may not always have it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mama Bears

Everyone knows not to mess with a bear cub--even people who've never been in the woods where bears like to roam. We've all read stories or seen documentaries about bear attacks instigated when a mama bear decides her cub is threatened. You just don't go near a bear cub, no matter how cute and cuddly they appear.

Human mothers are a lot like bear moms. If you want to see an average, run-of-the-mill housewife become superwoman in an instant, threaten her child. She'll react quicker than you can realize you made a big mistake!

I've never been a very pushy, forward person. That was part of me that I knew would have to change if I continued in my chosen profession--journalism. While I haven't stayed in the journalism world I trained for and grew to love, I think I would be better as a reporter now because I have gained the "mama bear" attitude.

Over the past few months, I've seen myself take initiative, stand up for myself and push a little more than I used to in several situations--some directly related to my little "cub" and some with no bearing on her at all. Who knew motherhood could change a woman's whole attitude and outlook on life as well as the way she deals with others?

Friday, February 27, 2009


“The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”

Well-known Scottish poet Robert Burns really hit the nail on the head when he penned similar words in the eighteenth century which were adapted to this familiar saying.

My 2009 began with many resolutions which broke cleanly out of the gate only to fall away from the field before we even hit the first turn. I wonder if any other mom struggles as much as I do just to keep up with daily chores. It seems like as soon as I get things organized and on a schedule and am beginning to make progress with various projects I have waiting in the wings something happens to derail the progress I’ve made and knock me back again.

Nothing monumentally challenging has happened this year. I was slow to get back in the swing of things after the holidays. A had a couple bouts with teething. (Have I ever mentioned what a rotten teether she is?) I’ve had a week or two of being “in the dumps,” which always affects my productivity. We had to rush A to the ER and spend a night in the hospital. And, the three of us spent a whole week being sick with some sort of wretched bug.

Anyway, as you already know, I haven’t been able to get around to updating the blog until now. I had grand plans for the year. I even mapped out a very doable schedule, including days to update this blog and our family blog. Honestly, it wasn’t an unobtainable schedule at all. I just never got it going in full swing before I got knocked back the first time, and then I couldn’t seem to get it rolling again.

I decided that I needed to try a different approach to scheduling myself. Instead of simply listing what I want to accomplish on which days, I scheduled out my time each day. Of course, I realize this schedule will need to be flexible as things pop up all the time. I’m one week into using the new schedule, and already I’m much more productive. In fact, I’ve accomplished several tasks that I’ve been putting off for four months!

Since this is the first week I’ve used the schedule, I haven’t followed it exactly; especially since there were several household tasks that really got pushed aside due to our recent illnesses; so time that I would use to write or work on other projects was used instead to complete those chores.

I think, too, that this schedule may keep me on track better and help me avoid the pitfalls of watching too much of The Today Show or spending too much time on Facebook! I think I sometimes wallow around in the decision of what to do first so long that once I decide where to begin I’ve already wasted half the day or I bemoan the fact that I have too many “boring” responsibilities to take care of before I can get to the more fun items on the list.

Getting all my responsibilities handled and caring for A are, of course, my priorities; but, to keep myself sane, I need to continue some other activities as well, such as my writing. I have this blog and our family blog, but I also have several writing projects I’ve been wanting to do for years. There are several books I would like to write; plus, I’d love to write a short story or poem every now and then. That was one of my favorite things to do in school, and I really miss it. And, of course, I can’t forget the therapeutic nature of keeping up with a journal or two! Also, I’ve just been given the opportunity to do some freelance writing again. Now, that’s something I can really get on board with since I get paid for it!!

Also, I have my photography business which is not exactly booming, but is slowly growing. In addition to the portrait sessions and weddings and other events I have advertised for, I’d like to do more shooting for fun. I have a whole list of ideas of things I can shoot in my area in order to turn around and sell as framed, unframed and matted prints.

Another thing I miss from school is reading good literature and reacting to it, either orally in a group or through a written medium like an essay. I have recently started reading again--fiction, non-fiction, classics; fun books with stories I can get lost in and deeper books that make me question things and want to do more research. I started a book club, too; and we met for the first time a week and a half ago. It was so much fun to discuss a common book with other ladies.

Cooking and baking, researching and organizing household papers are some other things I enjoy. The only actual “project” I wrote on my list of resolutions to complete in 2009 is organizing all my recipes and developing some sort of system where I can find them. That way I may actually make all those tasty dishes I salivated over before tossing them in my folder with hundreds of others!

While my year didn’t start the way I’d hope, my heart and desire is in the right place anyway; and I hope to get things running a little more smoothly around here!

How do you keep yourself organized and on track? What are some projects you like to do or activities you like to keep up with that help you maintain your sanity? I’d love to hear from moms like me!
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