Thursday, October 9, 2008


I meant to post last night but shut down my computer before I remembered--by then I was too tired to turn it back on!!

Yesterday was one of those days where things just weren't going quite right. We had napping issues and pottying issues, and I was just in a "blah" mood anyway. All day I kept thinking, "How am I going to write a positive, upbeat post on a blog for moms when I am the exact opposite of positive and upbeat?"

Then it hit me: I don't have to always be positive and upbeat or extremely helpful. I'm a mom; I have rough days just like every other mom. So, here's your encouragement: You're not alone when you have a bad day. There's nothing wrong with you; you're not a freak:) We all have them! The best thing to do is try not to let the little things (or the big things) get you down and keep pressing forward in this journey of motherhood!

Wherever you are, find fellow moms with little ones of similar ages and get together for playdates whenever you can. You can usually find this support in your church, your neighborhood or an online networking site.

Last weekend I discovered I have really, really enjoyed getting to "meet" moms in the area through the forums that are offered on the site. Today I got to go to my first playdate and thoroughly enjoyed putting faces with the names I'd become acquainted with online.

TriangleMommies is part of The Mommies Network. To find a group near you, click on the link. The Mommies Network started in Charlotte, NC. It never ceases to fascinate me what moms can create when they take their knowledge of a need and turn it into a passion to fill that need! (Mom4Life is proof of that--see an earlier post about this site!)

On TriangleMommies, you can find forums for each age group, many different stages of life (young moms, older moms, moms of multiples, stepmoms, pregnancy, trying to conceive, breastfeeding, etc.) and varying common interests (cooking, health, natural living, sports, movies and entertainment, etc.).

One of the hardest things about being a stay-at-home mom, especially, is the feeling of isolation (especially in the beginning). When you can't go out yet with a newborn or are tied down with constant breastfeeding, you can get online and join a forum discussion or a live chat with other moms going through similar things.

I have had several questions about things with Allie the past several days, so I've put up a few posts with these questions. Most had responses within the hour and several answers later in the day. I got a quicker answer about if twin sheets work on a toddler bed than I did when I called my pediatrician's office about Allie's half-shut swollen eye!

Anyway, I just want this post to be an encouragement to moms who feel like they're off on an island somewhere (and not in a good suntan, Mai Tai, ultimate peace and relaxation way). You're not alone, but it's up to you to find a strong system to surround you. Let me know where you find your support!

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